Through our faith in christ we are free from the law, through faith we honor god and through faith our souls are united with christ. Faith is also established in our experiences because through The definition of faith is an acceptance of that which we think to be true, that which we cannot prove. Faith is firstly an internal thing, it's like a tender plant - it starts off slowly but the more Faith: Essay on Importance of Faith. Faith is very important in our lives because to achieve anything, having faith is very important. One doesn’t only have to show faith in God, showing
Faith: Essay on Importance of Faith
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was faith essay the beginning with God, faith essay. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made. In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a witness, faith essay, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through Him might believe. He was not that Light, but he was sent to bear witness of that Light. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 1. Throughout the Bible, faith is mentioned almost everywhere so it must be an important trait to be reflected in our lives and not just by mouth only.
And we need to do everything possible to guard this gift of salvation that God has given us through Jesus in His gracewhich is seen as positional and in two parts, firstly when you first believed and then secondly after death, that is, before or during Tribulation, or whether you are raised alive at His faith essay at the end. God is guarding our salvation in Heaven and we have to do our part to the best of our ability and guard it here and faith is what guards it. And that alone should tell you how important it is. Belief in God is a spiritual perception in our mind that He is, faith essay, and isn't easily seen but faith is different in that the evidence of faith is clearly seen, or perceived by others. If we live by faith, faith essay, which means living for the promise that is unseen and above us and not by what we see, which is only earthly and of no value whatsoever.
Our salvation, and the path to receive it is the only thing that really matters and we should all understand and remember that. The definition of faith is an acceptance of that which we think to be true, that which we cannot prove. Faith is firstly an internal thing, it's like a tender plant - it starts off slowly but the more you feed it by reading His words the stronger it will grow, faith essay, then secondly, it becomes an external thing and others will also notice it, faith essay. And faith simply means believing in God's promises and what Christ has done for us through the cross to make our salvation possible - that faith essay the first part. We trust in God that He will do what He says - that is the second part. Faith and belief are not quite the same - there are many that say I believe in God and anyone can say that, faith essay, which faith essay well and good but so does Satan, and what hope has he?
Faith is so much more and on a higher level - faith is trust in an assurance in God and Jesus, and confidence that His promises will never fail, which means we are not to lose our spiritual sight of those promises. And that also means to continue in faith in the way that Jesus established for our benefitMatthew 7: 13, 14 - and doing whatever He asks. Faith, trust and continuing go hand in hand, one doesn't happen without the other. Faith, trust and continuing are also a commitment, which ONLY happens in you heart, mind and soul - nowhere else. And there are many examples of these three attributes throughout the Bible. Hebrews 11 is a beautiful chapter completely dedicated to telling us what faith is and gives an account of those who have passed before us and is encouraging to read.
I particularly like verse 13, which says: These all died in faith, not [yet] having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, faith essay, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth, faith essay. Shouldn't we always try to emulate what they did? Just as God was the same yesterday, is today and will be tomorrow — so is Satan, until his end and this is not a game with him - it has deadly consequences, faith essay. And we need to remember, Satan knows that God loves us and regards us as His children, so Satan in his jealousy hates us and wants to destroy us if he can. This is my hope that I can achieve what they did before us and hopefully, it is yours too.
And if faith essay say we are living for Him, aren't we hoping that others can see it in our lives - then we should all have one mindsetto reflect Jesus in everything we do, the one we love - that faith essay, we hope others will see that we openly and boldly love Jesus, who unselfishly gave His life that we might have life, and they might eventually want His salvation. Hebrews 6 says: But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He isand He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. Faith is a fragile thing at best, faith essay, and must be fiercely maintained.
I cannot even hope to emphasize that last point enough, for without faith, salvation is impossible. When the storms of life come — and they will, faith faith essay so easily lost. How we stand up to the tests will determine our reward and sadly, for some, no reward at all. And this will always come down to what you value the most — are you just living for the things of today, which are perishable and mean nothing, or for the promised rewards tomorrow which are everlasting and forever, faith essay. Isaiah 10 is a wonderful promise - They shall not hunger nor thirst; neither shall the heat nor sun smite them: for He that hath mercy on them shall lead them, even by the faith essay of water shall He guide them.
And 15 says in part, yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee, faith essay. This is an encouraging verse faith essay Matthew 6: 25 - faith essay tells us more about how He will provide for His own during that time of trouble. There will be many doubts and fears in these days and many times we will have to see things by faith and not through our own eyes - we need to remember these things when Tribulation arrives because if we forget them, we may easily fall. And many think it's so far off, there's no point in thinking about it now, faith essay, and that's simply because so many don't know just how close it is, or even know what's coming but faith essay are the few who do know and understand just how close it really is.
For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved. Note the emphasis on might because there are many who will preach that you cannot lose your salvation once it is givenwhich is a lie but verse 18, which must be read in conjunction with the others, faith essay says something very different - He that believeth on Him is not condemned : but he that believeth not is condemned alread y, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. This verse, and many others makes it clear that salvation can be lost if you don't continue in faith and many, faith essay, who should know better, are only leading themselves and others into complacency, faith essay.
And by complacency, I'm meaning that it's all too easy to fall into the belief that I'm safe now and I don't need to be so diligent, faith essay. Anyone who preaches or falls victim to this lie has absolutely no knowledge of scripture, or the truth of it. And for most of those, they didn't even really begin, or are less than lukewarm, faith essay. That is not to say that if you were once a believer and you've 'fallen away' that you can't regain your salvation, for Faith essay is able to graft you in again - if you are sincere and before faith essay death.
Romans 22, 23 says, Behold the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity, but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue [faith] in His goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off. And they also if they abide, not still in unbeliefshall be grafted in: for God is able to graft them in again. And that is truly, a wonderful promise to those who are troubled. Who can fathom His grace and patience, He is the anchor to our soul. No matter what adversities we may face, faith essay, and at times they may seem so overpowering that we may even contemplate giving up - but there is no faith essay and no reward in giving up, faith essay.
And if you think about it, faith essay, continuing isn't the problem. That's the easy part - keeping hold of faith is harder. Keeping hold of faith is believing in something we cannot yet see and we can now understand the term - blind faith. Even in such times, if we just firmly resolve faith essay continue - things may be falling apart around us but if we keep faith essay the front of our mind - just continue, - just continue, He will see us through whatever if we don't lose faith, faith essay. So - Hold on to faith no matter what. The moment we believe we are all given the Holy Spirit as a gift from Jesus.
That is not to say you will recognise him straight away, unless it's necessary, it usually takes some time. Faith is not a visible or physical thing that you buy over the counter and like everything pertaining to God and Jesus it is a spiritual thing, which is within. Above all; we need to show that we bear the marks of Jesus upon and within us - faith essay knows, there may be others who are watching your life and your walk. And in the soon to come Tribulation, faith essay, that may be difficult for some but we are all given a gift to help others and try we must. And for many, that may lead to the loss of our lives but nevertheless, just remember, faith essay, Jesus did it and suffered all for our sake. So don't ever be afraid to let your love show for Jesus, even if it leads to our own faith essay. Our given responsibility is to help others in this fight, if they will listen.
It is our job to plant the seed, God will do the watering and He will do the increase through the Spirit. Faith is increased by prayer and studying His word as much as you can faith essay if you neglect either of these requirements, you will only grow so far. Faith essay some, if either of these essentials are neglected it may even diminish to the point of lukewarmness. As already mentioned, faith is a fragile thing and must be maintained - so how do you maintain it - by constantly feeding it. It's like learning a difficult skill, you have to constantly practice or the skill diminishes and faith is no different - if you don't keep applying yourself to it, it too will diminish. In simple terms - occasional reading or stop reading altogether and you soon forget about salvation.
And who do you think helps that condition or 'diminishing' along? Satan primarily but also yourself in rebelliousness. There will never come a time when you think you know it all. The Bible is a complex book and to know it all in complete depth would take, for so many, more than one lifetime. Most will understand only a small part of it, and that is dependent on the the Spirit being in you - and if that isn't the case, you may be perceiving it the wrong way. Praying for the Spirit's help before reading any part of it will be of benefit to you. Believing that an earthly object or something similar that you can visibly see will faith essay increase your belief that it is — simply because it already is — but faith will increase if you feed it.
Faith, being a spiritual thin g, has to be fed in order to grow and as a simple analogy — a seedling will quickly die without sufficient watering. As mentioned above, when someone plants a seed, God will do the watering and that watering comes from reading the Bible, and then being willing to be led by the Spirit. Again, f aith is like a tender plantit starts off small but the more you feed and care for it, the more it will grow. The first part that is underlined in that sentence is describing faith in a visible way, the last part is describing the spiritual aspect. It's also like a sincere friendship with someone dear - in this instance namely Jesus and faith isn't something that can be turned on or off at any time to suit your own circumstances, it is to be constant, not hot one day and cold the next, that is the definition of being lukewarm, faith essay.
And Jesus has some stinging words about that for those in this current era of Laodicea - Revelation faith essay 15 - It is to last forever and having faith is truly a trait to be guarded. In Matthew 19 - 20 Jesus tells us even His disciples had difficulty with faith and He likened faith to the size of a mustard seed - it is so small it is easily lost. Faith is to be shared, not contained within faith essay If someone should enquire of your belief, respond in a way that shows how much you love Jesus and what He has done for you, which was suffering the cross, making salvation available for all. And tell them that He did it for them too. Hopefully, that will strike a chord. Sometimes all of us can feel a little lost in the pressures that surround us in one form or another and we can all feel that we've slipped a bit at times if we've relaxed our grip on the things we value most.
And this can come from so many things and some are faith essay to us and some are unknown - just everyday things brought about by unnecessary worry that can lead to less reading, faith essay, less thinking about spiritual things, less time in prayer - even none at all, which only increases lukewarmness. I don't mean satanic attack, although that will happen to all of us and we must keep our guard up at all times. I'm meaning the little things that can mount up over time, which are insidious and can have a damaging effect on faith if we don't check it and realise that we are causing our own problems at times.
Satan is always watching and waiting for an opportunity and we tend to unconsciously, or perhaps blindly forget that because he isn't seen - many disregard the danger, faith essay, nevertheless he is always there, faith essay.
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Faith: Essay on Importance of Faith. Faith is very important in our lives because to achieve anything, having faith is very important. One doesn’t only have to show faith in God, showing Faith is a belief. That holds true to every religious and non-religious person. Every faith involves a decision. It is not about what we claim to believe, but what we actually do believe, that is true Through our faith in christ we are free from the law, through faith we honor god and through faith our souls are united with christ. Faith is also established in our experiences because through
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